AAFE Blog - Botulinum Toxins & Dermal Filler

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Why Take a Certification Course?

By Jill Charles, MSN, CNP Are you a dentist looking to implement esthetics into your dental practice? Or maybe a Nurse Practitioner wanting to specialize in facial injectables? Perhaps you

Early Prevention of Aging

25 Industry Changes By 2020: A Revisit By Rob and Carol Trow, DermaConcepts “Dr. Louis Malcmacher, a founder of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, sees younger millennials rushing to

Indications for Botox®

Jill Charles, MSN, CNP American Academy of Facial Esthetics AAFE Faculty Member Most people are aware of the cosmetic benefits of botulinum toxin, also known as Botox®. But did you

A New Look at Facial Aging

LET’S TAKE A NEW LOOK AT FACIAL AGING and what we, as dental professionals, can do to reverse it, improve and create proper lip and smile lines, and accomplish total dentofacial esthetics.

5 Myths About Botox®

Ashley Reese, MSN, RN American Academy of Facial Esthetics AAFE Faculty Member  Myth 1: Botox® injections are painful Most patients describe Botox® injections as a slight pinch or say that

Reducing or Eliminating Failed Dentistry

Dental Decision Maker Dentistry Today June 2016 The Dental Decision Maker Every day in your dental practice, you tackle a va­riety of challenges that you diagnose and solve for your

Real Evidence-Based Dentistry

Real Evidence Based Dentistry DE Sept 2015 Real Evidence-Based Dentistry What treatment failures frustrate dentists the most? From my own practice of nearly 40 years and lecturing to thousands of

Budgeting for Botox-AGD Impact

Budgeting for Botox AGD Impact Sept 15 Budgeting for Botox The Costs of Making It Work in Your Practice Dentists often ask me questions regarding integrating Botox® and dermal fillers into their